Effective June 12 2023, our Bethlehem office is now located at
Bethlehem Medical Arts Center, 5325 Northgate Drive, Suite 209, Bethlehem, PA 18017.

NERA Specialty Spine Sports & Pain Medicine –  Lehigh Valley Pain Management

As a partner-member of the Northeastern Rehabilitation Associates (NERA), the primary office for reaching Dr. Scott Naftulin and Dr. Bruce Zhang for scheduling pain evaluations & treatments is in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Telephone: (610) 954.9400 or schedule an appointment online.

Lehigh Valley Pain Specialists

Specialty Spine Care and NERA proudly accept most insurances including all Geisinger Health Plan products.

Pain clinics are conveniently located and serving patients who may reside or transit through Lehigh Valley and surrounding counties.

Dr’s. Naftulin and Zhang are preferred provider in the St. Luke’s network for spine and pain treatments & pain management.

Easy access from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and surrounding towns.

We Strive to Restore Your Life Without a Surgical Knife